Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My First Time

I had to start a blog.  It's my first time so be gentle.

This is the obligatory intro entry I have to do to talk about what this blog will be about, and I'm going to hate doing this.  The reason why is because this blog isn't really about anything.  It's about what it has to be at the moment I post something to it.  Basically, it's a blog with no defined subject.  Some may ask what my point in writing it is if this is the case.  Well, I'll try to answer these hypothetical people briefly.

I was trained to be a writer, and the more I neglect writing, the more my skills will most likely begin to atrophy.  Quite simply, I'm starting this blog to have an ongoing project that will force me to use my skills regularly.  Yes, I know that's not very interesting.  I swear I'll get better at this.

Now, just to take care of this, let me explain what the idea is behind my blog's name.  I know this will come up eventually so I'll just get it out of the way.  In coming up with a name for my blog, I looked at other people's blogs all across the web to try to come up with some ideas.  Something I noticed was that most people name their blogs after their professions or hobbies that the blog in question uses as its primary subject matter.  They usually take the position of a trained professional or experienced veteran related to whatever subject they're talking about.  Gamers talk about gaming, cooks talk about cooking, doctors talk about doctoring, etc.  This led me to question what my profession is or what I have a ton of experience with and to start from there.  What am I?  I was trained to write so am I a writer?  I like to comment about random topics so does that make me a commentator?  In doing this, I felt like I didn't have the experience or skill necessary in a particular field to take a title related to it.  I don't think I'm good enough at writing to be called a writer or good enough at commenting to be called a commentator.  So what am I good at?  What am I...I'm human.  I guess that'll have to do.

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