Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Suggestions Welcome

I recently saw the movie, In Time.  I don't know if you've heard of it.  It's the one with Justin Timberlake and that guy who played Scarecrow in Batman Begins.  It's about a society where human beings stop aging at twenty-five.  They only live a year longer unless they can find a way to get more time.  Time is the currency of this world.  They earn it then spend it on goods and services.  Rich people can live forever while poor people lived day to day.  Everyone's arm has this glowing neon clock on it that displays how much time they have left.  The short of it is that time=life.  

Over the last couple of weeks, I have spent most of my time (AKA my life) playing a video game, specifically, the new MMO, Star Wars the Old Republic.  That game is a vampire.  It seduces you with its electronic ecstasy and drains your life hour by hour.

To make matters worse, I haven't written anything in over a month.  My skills are beginning to leave me.  I can feel it.  Seriously, how trite is it to make an analogy between a video game and a vampire?  Next thing you know, I'll be asking Stephanie Meyer for writing tips.

I want to write more because I feel like it's the only constructive thing I can do at this point in my life.  If I have to waste my time on something, I want it to be something that gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Being unemployed and living at home, writing's the only thing I've got.  There's one problem...I'm really bad at thinking of things to write about.

Here's the part where I ask you for help.  To all those reading this (hopefully someone's reading this), please post some ideas on what I should write about in the comments below.  Also, feel free to constructively criticize my writing style.  The key word there is "constructively."  If you act like an asshole just for the sake of acting like an asshole, then so help me...I will cry like a woman.  Not only will I cry, but I'll cut myself and eat a tub of ice cream while watching Steel Magnolias.  It won't be pretty.  Oh yeah, and I'll probably get around to blocking you at some point.  Anyway, I hope to hear from you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not much of a writer either, in terms of being on the spot creative. Why don't you start on that short story you were talking about? Heck, to us your vice, why don't you try and write a Star Wars set story utilizing their setting?
